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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hidden-Review-of-the-Day! Hello Ladies! Welcome to Hakuoki!

     Some girl gamers might already know of this game, however it's a pretty big deal for many reasons. It's actually quite rare to find any sort of visual novels on a platform other then the PC in English, but it's even harder to find an Otome game on any platform in English! It's a wonderful port and is subbed well to keep the story intake with it's Japanese counter-part.

     Hello girls, do you love visual novels, but just can't seem to find anymore to play that are actually in English or Engrish(It's translated Japanese.)? Tired of playing the same girl trying to romance the same guys every time? Well guess what, just for you ladies, developer Aksys and publishers Sony have decided to take the plunge into the Otome genre with Hakuoki: Demon Fleeting of the Blossom.

     As I've mentioned before it's pretty rare to find a game specifically geared towards women, especially an all romance game! Really, that's all Otome games consist of. Otome is an interactive story that you follow and can make major choices which can impact the characters you romance and the endings you have.

     I'm also going to repeat this, it's really geared towards WOMEN. I'm not saying guys can't enjoy visual novels, or even Hakuoki: Demon Fleeting of the Blossom, I could be pushing it though. My point is, that visual novels are a rare genre to see on consoles today.  

      It's a pretty new game, and the genre is more intrigued toward only girls but xRebirthofRosax on YouTube does a wonderful job of explaining the contents of the Limited Edition, which can be found here on Amazon and explains a little bit more about what the game is like!

     Hakuoki: Demon Fleeting of the Blossom is a great start in the Otome genre for both girl gamers and hopefully guy gamers too! I'm sure if this sells as well as it looks like it might, then I'm sure companies other then Sony might even plunge into putting some money into more visual novel projects for larger systems and not just the Psp.

I'm sure this probably happens more then on the average occasion lol.
     So, if your an avid visual novel reader and a girl gamer with a Psp in need of play, then Hakuoki: Demon Fleeting of the Blossom is exactly the type of game that should be supported and purchased. You'll not only feel good that you purchased it for yourself, but in order to support the release of future Otome games alike!


Alton W. Ruff, Main Contributor

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