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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hidden-Review-of-the-Day! Can you Drive?

Drive stars other actors such as Bryan Cranston and Ron Perlman.
     Raging Ruff Review's takes a look at a film that was overlooked by viewers but highly praised by critics. Is Drive worth taking the trip, or was it just another car ready to hit the junkyard?

Driver's relationship with his neighbor becomes complicated, fast.
     In Drive you follow a stunt-man in Los Angeles who is attracted to his neighbor, Irene, who is a vulnerable single mother. What Driver doesn't know is all the trouble she's been in with her ex-husband, who is actually a convict.  On the run from them it's up to Driver to protect them and eventually go on the other side of the approach.

     The review that's done by Screen Crave does a great job explaining the film and showing what this great film has to offer to viewers. She' talks about the feelings, the action, and the acting of Drive and it really makes you want to go out and punch yourself in the face for not hearing about this film!

     So, once again folks, this is Raging Ruff Reviews' Hidden-Review-of-the-Day, and I hope after seeing Screen Crave's review, you''l do yourself a favor and DRIVE!


Alton W. Ruff, Main Contributor

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